1.3 iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch
Released Wednesday August 11, 2010.
- Enhancements
- All new iPad user interface included for no additional cost!
- On new iPad interface, or on iPhone/iPod Touch running iOS 4+, can tap and hold on graph to choose bar display or line display.
- On iOS 4+ if a password is set for Budget Touch, if the app is inactive (backgrounded) for more than thirty seconds then the password screen is displayed when returning to Budget Touch.
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed integrity error 1 (actually an integrity error 2 misreported) which occurred when moving an envelope with pay details between groups, or when deleting envelopes with pay details.
- The report named "Balances" now shows all envelopes whether or not their parent group is open in the Budget tab.
- Fixed picker on graph tab to not include group envelopes twice.
- Fixed display of rows in envelope editor to be correct in all cases.
- Fixed possible crash when hitting Done in sync window due to multithreading issues.
- Fixed several very small memory leaks.