Once you have Budget setup normal usage becomes easy and routine. You can easily see on the main window the amount you have for each expense and the total amount in each of your accounts.
When you receive your pay you use the Enter Pay toolbar button to distribute your pay to your envelopes. This increase the balances of both your envelopes and the account. When your bills come due you select the appropriate envelope and use either the Check or Debit toolbar button to create a transaction for the amount. This decreases the balances of both the selected envelope and the account.
You can select an envelope and use the Env History toolbar button to see a history of the transactions in that envelope or use the Act History toolbar button to see the history of transactions that were split to multiple envelopes.
You can select an envelope and use the Statistics button to see graphically how your doing against your budget.
These images show the Mac user interface of Budget; the Windows interface is similar.
Click on an image below to see it full-size. When viewing at full size, click the right edge of the image to move to the next image in sequence or click the left edge to move to the previous image.